Serial No. | Item | Comment |
1. | JICA study team consisting of the Joint Venture (JV) of KRI International Corp., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., and Japan Engineering Consultants Co. Ltd headed by Mr.Isamu Asakura of the KRI International Corp. was dispatched to Zambia during the period from August 2007 and March 2009, to conduct the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan for the City of Lusaka | The Comprehensive Urban Development of the city of Lusaka was completed and handed over to JICA , who in turn submitted it to MLGH for onward transmission to Lusaka City Council |
2. | On 13th November 2009 , the Town Clerk presented the proposal for recommendation of approval of the Comprehensive Urban Development of the city of Lusaka to Full Council. The report was considered and approved on 7th January 2010 under minute no. (C/25/11/09). | Upon satisfying the necessary conditions, LCC submitted the master plan to MLGH for approval |
3. | The Minister of Local Government and Housing approved the Comprehensive Urban Development Plan for the City of Lusaka on 14th May 2010. | It is from this plan that the Lusaka South Inner Ring Road is mentioned as a priority project. |
4. | LCC engaged Kaizen Consulting International (KCI) to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan for the Inner Ring Road and KCI possessed the site on 4th June 2010 after having signed the contract worth US 110,330 (ZMK 540,892,825.00) on 12th May, 2010 | The mandate was to mark out the road profile as follows:i. The ROW from the junction of Musi-O-Tunya Extension and the ZESCO Way Leave to Mumbwa road at 30 meters.ii. The access to MFEZ at 50m along Musi-O-Tunya Extension.iii. Ben Bella Extension at 18m |
5. | A JICA Consultancy Company (Katahira & Engineers International) arrived with a purpose to develop a detailed design of the road in phase 1 of the project). | KCI was requested to halt their activities until a topographic map could be handed to them by Katahira & Engineers International (KEI) |
6. | A Cost Benefit Analysis) carried out in the preliminaries of the study reviewed that the number of affected structures was just too big and this directly implied a huge budget for compensation that could have scared the Government. KCI was therefore, instructed as follows:
| The principle was to reduce the number of PAPs as much as possible and 19th August, 2010 was used as the cutoff date for KCI |
7. | On 14th January, 2011, KCI submitted the draft report (EIA/RAP) to Environmental Council of Zambia for approval | ECZ responded with comments on 24th January, 2011 |
8. | On 28th February, 2011, KCI Requested The Ministry To Engage Government Valuation Department (GVD) to validate the values of properties marked for compensation along the ROW. | It is Government procedure not to base compensation purely on a private consultant’s report, hence the engagement of GVD |
9. | On 21st April, 2011, LCC submitted the reports to ECZ | ECZ did not accept the reports without a payment of review fees amounting to ZMK 194,998,320.00 |
10. | LCC requested MLGH to intervene on 27th April, 2011 and the Ministry paid ZMK 194,000,000.00 on 30th June 2011. | Communication lapses in ECZ made them delay to commence processing the documents |
11. | Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) commenced the procedure of approval in September, 2011.An advert was placed in 3 different print media with 29th November, 2011 as the dateline for the public to submit written comments.As a matter of the fact a public hearing was held at Looters Ground on 24th November, 2011. | ZEMA conducted a field verification exercise on 2nd November,2011 Arising from the verification exercise, the distance between the road and building lines was raised as a concern and mitigation measures were requested. LCC had to instruct GVD to offset 3 m and 4.5 m respectively between the building line and the edge of the road as a mitigation measure.The ROW therefore, then spurned between 21 m – 22.5 m. |
12. | GVD embarked on the validating process on 3rd October, 2011 as the cutoff date. | A meeting to harmonise property values between GVD and KCI took place and GVD submitted their valuation report to the Ministry on 21st December, 2011. |
13. | GRZ set aside ZMK 60 Billion in 2012 budget for preparatory works on the Inner Ring Road. It is from this budget that the compensation budget was come from. | By then 61 houses were affected in phase 1 and 11 along Ben Bella Extension bringing the total to 72 |
14. | The Government of Japan (GOJ) approved and committed funds for the project and would have liked to start tendering by June 2012 on condition that the site was by March, 2012 | GOJ hoped to commence road construction by October, 2012. |
15. | ZEMA tabled the report to the board that sat in Solwezi from 19th December, 2011 to 24th December, 2011, and a decision letter was issued to Lusaka City Council. | The project was approved with conditions |
16. | MLGH transferred compensation funds to LCC Zanaco account via electronic means on 5th March, 2012. | The total amount disbursed was ZMK 30 Billion out of which ZMK 27,893,470,625 was the initial amount for compensating 75 affected structures. |
17. | The Inner Ring Project Office disbursed the funds to People Affected by Project (PAP) in mid-March, 2012. | After disbursement of funds, 31st May, 2012 was set as the dateline for vacation of the affected structures. |
18. | The demolition exercise of affected structures took place from Monday 8th June, 2012 to Saturday, 13th June, 2012 | The site where the road is scheduled to pass from Chibolya (Ben Bella Extension to New Kasama) was cleared.A prequalification for the tender took place in Japan for a consultant to be engaged on the Ring Road project.By October, 2012, the successful contractor was expected to move on the cleared site. |
19. | N.B The distance considered in the demolition of structures belonging to 74 affected people was 22.5 metres measured from the ZESCO domestic power line which was to accommodate a single lane. From the ZMK 30 Billion released to LCC, a total of ZMK 27,893,470,625.00 was disbursed to the 75 affected people. | Zambia Development Agency that is in charge of the Lusaka South- Multi Facility Economic Zone (LS-MFEZ) submitted to the Ministerial Inner Ring Road Project Implementation Team (PIT) that the Inner Ring Road was being considered as a marketing tool to attract more investors into LS-MFEZ. The ring road should therefore, have a dual carriage for smooth traffic flow as Investors could be discouraged by a congested road. Hence the PIT resolved to increase the distance from the ZESCO domestic power line from 22.5 metres to 35 metres so as to secure enough land for a double lane road. 77 more affected properties were estimated and were awaiting valuation. LCC distributed notices to the property owners on 12th October 2012.The process of valuing the affected properties commenced. |
20. | Developments Along the Railway Reserve: Some developments were observed along the Railway Reserve around Kamwala Mini by pass area. LCC with the other stakeholders will be travelling to Kabwe in the week running from 15th October – 19th October 2012 to meet the Management of Zambia Railways Limited over revocation of leases they have with the developers so that the road corridor is cleared. | A total of 6 officers traveled to Kabwe and the institutions represented were MLGH, ZDA and LCC.A fruitful discussion was held and Zambia Railways agreed in principle to the project, and requested for an official letter from MLGH to make them notify their clients.The letter was written and ZR responded that they required 6 months notice to their clients according to the Landlords and Tenant (Business Premises) Act Cap 193 of the Laws of Zambia. |
21. | The Utility Companies being ZESCO, Lusaka Water & Sewerage Company, Airtel Zambia Limited and Chibolya Water Trust have all been paid to either reroute their lines all deepen them | Road Tender was postponed to give time for the Utility lines to be moved from the road. Lusaka Water & Sewerage Co. and Airtel Zambia Limited were on the ground. ZESCO and Chibolya Water Trust were yet to confirm. October 2012 was given as a new dateline for rerouting the lines. |
22. | Utility Companies rerouted their lines apart from LSWC & ZESCO | LWSC could not reroute the water lines, they submitted that a new method be used as the lines were too big to be rerouted. Katahira & Engineers International (Consultants) and Shimizu Cooperation (Contractors) asked for time to work out the best strategy based on LWSC’s submission. ZESCO was waiting for LCC to provide the ducts for laying the electric lines underground. LCC wrote to MLGH to ask NRFA to release the funds. |
23. | The Road Contract was signed 22nd November 2012 in Japan at the total sum of $27, 600, 000 (KR146, 280, 000) to construct a road measuring 14.85 km and the Contractor is Shimizu Corporation while the Consultant is Katahira & Engineers International. | The Contractor mobilized on site and is expected to take 24 months to construct the road. The Ground Breaking Ceremony took place on 26th April 2013 and was graced by the Minister of Local Government & Housing.The Ministry of Local Government & Housing is the Client while Lusaka City Council is the Executing |