Aliquam non dolor tempus, eleifend erat nec, elementum diam. Aenean egestas pretium cursus. Quisque posuere pulvinar ligula vel tempor.
Last modified: June 28, 2016
June 28, 2016
Aliquam non dolor tempus, eleifend erat nec, elementum diam. Aenean egestas pretium cursus. Quisque posuere pulvinar ligula vel tempor.
Last modified: June 28, 2016
Lusaka was established as a settlement in 1913. The administration of Lusaka City Council is divided into two the first is a political wing headed by the Mayor while the administration part is led by the Town Clerk and eight directors representing eight departments.
Tell: +260 211 252048, +260 9576350
Lusaka City Council
P.O Box 30077
Independence Ave, Lusaka, Zambia