The Waste Management Unit (WMU) is the regulatory Unit of Waste Management in the city is mandated to plan, organize, execute (directly or indirectly) and supervise waste management services in other selected areas in the City and the management of disposal site. The Waste Management Unit (WMU) operate in a cost neutral manner meaning that the Waste Management Unit (WMU) shall generate sufficient funds to pay for all the expenditure required to provide an efficient and affordable waste collection and disposal service in the entire city.
Main function of Waste Management
- Management of the disposal site (currently in Chung)
- Waste registration and charging of fees for waste disposal.
- Collection of waste from the Central Business District
- Collection of fees from Central Business District (Waste Management District ‘’D’’).
- Secondary Collection of waste from unplanned settlements (Peri-urban areas) and fees from community based organisations involved from Primary Collection in these areas.
- Contracting of private waste collection companies to collect waste in Waste Management Districts (WMDs) on a franchise basis.
- Contracts Management and supervision of private waste contractors’(franchise holders)
- Inspection of all waste management activities and enforcement of waste management regulations(esp. the Waste Management by-laws)
- Develop and oversee the implementation of long –term solid waste management plans on behalf of Lusaka City Council (LCC) which will include resource mobilization for capital projects and institutional support.
- Conduct periodic Environmental Audits of the Existing SWM Strategies and provide direction on future implementation strategies.
- Advise Management on policy matters relating to solid waste management in City of Lusaka.
- Maintains contact with all waste generator but especially with those waste generators that have a direct relation with the Waste Management Unit(WMU) through a contract or memorandum of understanding
Waste Management Advisory center
The Waste Management Unit (WMU) Advisory center through the office of the Customer Relation Office offers advice to residents on ways of avoiding and reducing waste, effectively reducing on the collection bills. The Unit also offers technical advice on recycling and material recovery for both resident and up-coming entrepreneurs. For any queries contact the Waste Management Unit(WMU) through wmu@microlink.zm
Physical location
Civic Center, along Independence Avenue, rooms 414 – 417, New Wing. You can also call on +260211256027/+260211253016
Names and Contacts for waste collectors in Lusaka